Localization (i18n)

The main language is en_US. All derived translations should be taken from this branch.

Supported languages so far are:

  • English [en_US]
  • Spanish [es_ES]

Possible future languages to include:

  • Italian [it_IT]
  • Portuguese [pt_BR]
  • Catalan [ca_ES]


  • Translation key files are located in resources/lang
  • Email templates are located in resources/views/emails which are as well localized

Translation Keys Schema

There is currently no proper translation key schema set.

So far, the key naming intends to achieve the following goals:

  • Consistency: Minimize the possibility of using different words for the same meaning, or creating many different keys that end up having the same translation (like common words).
  • Reusability: Minimize the overall translation files size and translate as less as possible, and preserve flexibility.
  • Readability: Translators should be able to easily identify the purpose of the key even under lack of the translation value.
  • Organization: Developer should easily remember/guess the full key path (or at least the base path) and minimize checking the transalation files each time.

You may find further information in StackOverflow

Updating texts

Simply go to the translation key files or email template and update wordings.

Adding keys

Follow Laravel localization facilities.

For automatically adding the translation key files, timegrid uses potsky/laravel-localization-helpers.

You can do this by running

php artisan localization:missing

Afterwards, edit each modified file to put the proper translation wording.

NOTE: This tool will break PSR-2 standard for translation files. However, this could possibly be fixed in the future.

Adding a new language locale

Copy from English and Edit method

  1. Make sure to get the latest en_US translation tree of the project.
  2. Copy the tree renaming it to the desired new locale.
  3. Edit all keys to update the translations.

From Scratch Method

  1. Create the desired new locale driectory in the two resources locations: lang and emails.
  2. Run the laravel-localization-helpers to generate the files.
  3. Edit all keys to update the translations.

NOTE: This method might omit some dynamically generated keys.